
Slackware-current now has gcc-3.4.1.
I haven't got the time to rummage around looking for ARM specific patches so I am 
using Debian's source & patches once again.

I cannot see myself going back to the original/clean source - I just do not have the
time - besides, I don't see a problem with doing what I'm doing.

Also note that the compiler is now called 'arm-slackware-linux' rather than 


I'm trying to build everything with gcc 3.4.1 so you'll mainly see
development of gcc (new patches, builds etc) inside this directory
( armedslack-current/source/d/gcc-3.4 ).

You may notice that I have gcc 3.4.1 and 3.4.0 (Debian) source
inside this dir.  The build script for 3.4.0 is identical to 3.4.1.
As much as possible I'm trying to shy away from building using Debian's
patches, but I think I may end up giving in because Debian package maintainers
and developers are closely involved with the the development and as such
know which patches to use, where as I find myself saying
"Oh fsck" and finding another patch for gcc.

At the moment the gcc 3.4.1 included in ARMedslack does not have any 
patches - it's a clean compile.  gcc-3.4.0 uses the patches from Debian's

The only things I can't get gcc 3.4 to do are:
 * Build a working kernel
 * build glibc-2.3.3
 * build tcpdump

I'm sure there will be more added to that list, and I may end up just
using gcc-3.3.4.

You can tell which version of gcc I currently prefer by looking at
at the version number of the 
armedslack-current/slackware/d/gcc-*.tgz files.

As I said, I prefer gcc-3.4.1 at the moment and I think what I'll do is
just stick to changing compilers if a specific program requires it to build.
It's not the best way but it'll have to do for the moment.

I'm always open to suggestions and comments and "I compiled this with xxx and it

Stuart Winter