# Purpose: List which applications have been removed from the
#          standard Slackware source tree
# Author : Stuart Winter 

A series

Not required for ARM:

Package.........................Reason it was removed

  syslinux			x86 only
  lilo 				x86 only
  loadlin    			x86 only

AP series

Package.........................Reason it was removed

  libx86                        x86 only
  vbetool                       x86 only
  seejpeg                       x86 only

D series

Package.........................Reason it was removed

  j2sdk				x86 only (no source)
  dev86                         x86 only

L series

Package.........................Reason it was removed

  svgalib_helper                The svgalib package is a dummy for
                                ARM, so the helper package which contains
                                the Kernel modules is not required.